Posts tagged Look Good
What I wish I'd known at thirty-five...

My book club is the craziest thing- no one reads the book!

It is strictly non-fiction (that’s a rule but reading the book isn’t!) which explains the madness somewhat as it makes it easy to read a chapter here and there and still be united by the essence of a book club.

At this month’s club, after a catch up on life and a few glasses of wine (let’s face it, that is the real substance of most book clubs) with much shock, we actually started discussing a chapter in Norah Ephron’s, “I feel bad about my neck” In the chapter entitled - “What I wish I’d known”, number eleven on her list is;

“Anything you think is wrong with your body at the age of thirty-five you will be nostalgic for by the age of forty-five”

What do you wish you’d known?

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