Why use a Personal Stylist?

Why should you hire a personal stylist?

I met a friend and ex-colleague for dinner recently and was telling her about my new role as a personal stylist. 

“It sounds great!“ she enthused, “but I simply don’t have the time, and I’d rather spend the cost of hiring a stylist on buying more clothes.” 

At the time I just nodded awkwardly and fretted about my chosen career path, but on the train home I thought about that statement and just how ill informed and contradictory it is.  A good personal stylist will do the very things my friend was claiming were the reasons not to hire one - i.e. to save you time and money! 

But then I realised that most people probably think the same way, or certainly think that hiring personal stylist is an unaffordable luxury.

So if you are one of those people, answer the below questions - honestly!.

  • What percentage of your clothes do you wear regularly?
  • Do you feel overwhelmed when you go shopping and not know what to buy and end up leaving empty handed?  Or do you buy the same things or versions of things you've got lots of already? 
  • How many times have you bought something that looked great in the shop or changing room but every time you try to wear it, it looks wrong, and is left un-worn in your wardrobe?
  • Do you think you need to lose weight? Or maybe you think you're too tall/short, big busted , flat chested and that's what's stopping you finding the right thing?
  • Do you own some really nice pieces that you know suit you but you don't know what to wear them with?
  • Do you agonise over what to wear to an event?
  • Do you look into your wardrobe and think, I have nothing to wear?
  • Do you pack too much when you go on holiday and come back with a suitcase of unworn clothes?
  • Do you take too much choice when you go away for a weekend, hoping that you'll decide what's right when you get there? 

A personal stylist will solve all those problems and more, allowing you to present the best “you” to the world, all whilst saving you time and money. 

Hiring a personal stylist may still seen as a luxury, yet the benefits are immeasurable and a huge change can be made in a very short period of time at a relatively low cost.  A personal stylist does so much more than sorting through your wardrobe or assisting you on a shopping trip. 

So what should I have said to my friend?  

"If you've got plenty of money to waste, huge storage space, enjoy the frustration of not knowing what to wear each morning, have plenty of time to go shopping and buy more clothes that you don't wear and don't mind looking average, then carry on but you'll spend a lot more money and time than you would on the cost of hiring a personal stylist”.