Posts tagged Personal stylist
How to style dresses for spring 21

Move over joggers - it’s the post-lockdown dress show!

The check list for clothes over the last year has been something like: comfort, warmth and ease with a dash of top half professional garb.

Personally, I love a jogger and won’t be packing my trusty best friends away; but I’m so ready to embrace the dress and a new way of dressing. The dress says: joy, celebration, fun and freedom - yet, it can also be comfortable, warm and easy too.

So, here are some tips to get the most out of your dresses - how to layer them up for British spring weather and how to style them for the easing of lockdown and those first social events.

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What to wear on a first date

Getting ready for a date can be stressful enough without worrying about what you are going to wear - but luckily help is at hand to relieve those ‘what to wear’ anxieties; leaving you feeling confident with just the date to focus on.

Whether your date is a country walk, a coffee or an evening meal at a posh restaurant; the number one rule is to be comfortable and number two is to be yourself!

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How to find the perfect winter coat

When I was 15, I had a purple teddy coat with large black spots. Sounds disgusting - right?

But I loved that coat and wore it until it was thread bare and out of fashion. And now teddy coats (not purple ones with black spots- it was the eighties!) are back on trend. So, when I saw a teal blue, long line, single breasted one on Zara’s website, I hurried it into my basket and couldn’t wait till it arrived!

But how do you choose the perfect winter coat for you?

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It's nearly here... Spring/Summer 19

I love this time of year. New beginnings and the anticipation of what’s just around the corner. I know it’s freezing cold out and there is snow in the air, but all I can think about is longer days (have you noticed its still light at 5pm?), the new items filling the shop floors in their droves and which pieces are going on my wish list…

Prepare your wardrobe; edit out the worn jumpers from Winters’ gone by, clear last year’s pieces that you simply never wore (you know them - the ones you put on but never made it out the front door) and make space for the zesty treats to come..

So, what are the big trends this Spring/Summer and which ones will work for you?

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Why use a Personal Stylist?

I met a friend and ex-colleague for dinner recently and was telling her about my new role as a personal stylist. 

“It sounds great!“ she enthused  “but I simply don’t have the time, and I’d rather spend the cost of hiring a stylist on buying more clothes.” 

At the time I just nodded awkwardly and fretted about my chosen career path, but on the train home I thought about that statement and just how ill informed and contradictory it is.  A good personal stylist will do the very things my friend was claiming were the reasons not to hire one - i.e. to save you time and money! 

But then I realised that most people probably think the same way, or certainly think that hiring personal stylist is an unaffordable luxury. So why should you use a personal stylist?

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