Posts tagged what to wear
What to wear on a first date

Getting ready for a date can be stressful enough without worrying about what you are going to wear - but luckily help is at hand to relieve those ‘what to wear’ anxieties; leaving you feeling confident with just the date to focus on.

Whether your date is a country walk, a coffee or an evening meal at a posh restaurant; the number one rule is to be comfortable and number two is to be yourself!

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How to find the perfect winter coat

When I was 15, I had a purple teddy coat with large black spots. Sounds disgusting - right?

But I loved that coat and wore it until it was thread bare and out of fashion. And now teddy coats (not purple ones with black spots- it was the eighties!) are back on trend. So, when I saw a teal blue, long line, single breasted one on Zara’s website, I hurried it into my basket and couldn’t wait till it arrived!

But how do you choose the perfect winter coat for you?

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A/W Trends 20/21

When Covid-19 first arrived, fashion was the last thing on our minds and any thoughts about clothes felt indecorous and foolish in the circumstances.

But as lockdown eases and we emerge from our nests with unruly hair and a few extra pounds we need energised and motivated. Looking forward and setting our sights on better times can be hugely cathartic.

Therefore, I’m embracing the Autumn/Winter 20/21 trends rather than the Summer trends, that have been absorbed under a Corona cloud, even though it was blisteringly hot last week and it feels like summer has just arrived.

So, looking forward to fresh beginnings and an uplifting new season - What’s on the menu?

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Zoom Call Styling

At the beginning of lock down, we slipped into old joggers, pulled on comfy jumpers and rejoiced in not having to make an effort. But as time has sped along - Winter has turned to Summer and working from home with video calls has become the norm - our wardrobe needs have changed. Our usual go-to pieces are no longer suitable and we are now left with fresh wardrobe dilemmas.

You want to arrive at a Zoom meeting, making the best impression you can, just as you would in a regular face to face scenario. Even more so in some instances, as we have a smaller window in which to perform. So, what should we be wearing?

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8 Step Guide to Summer Holiday Packing

Packing and prepping for a holiday is all part of the fun for me. A bit like, how getting ready for a big night out was, as a teenager. The pre-party; putting make up on and the trying on sessions were often a lot better than the ‘tennis disco’ itself!

Do you find yourself doing any of the following:

Returning home with a suitcase full of unworn clothes?

Packing everything summery you have?

Trying on lots of different options whilst on holiday and end up wearing the really nice dress you wore the first night?

Do you take things that you wouldn’t be seen dead in at home?

If you want to pack a smaller case, wear almost everything, have an outfit for all occasions and never struggle with what to wear, follow my 8 step guide to efficient, fun holiday packing:

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